1. Absences:
If you cannot attend a Mass to which you have been assigned, it is your responsibility to find a substitute.
2. In the Sacristy before Mass:
Please sign in, or check in. Remember that there should be no socializing in the Sacristy. This is per the new instructions to the Roman Missal(see AH) Since the Priest is focusing on his homily, and the lector is focusing on the readings, we should keep silent as much as possible when we sign in. The only exception should be conversation related to your role in the Mass. After you have signed in, you should go into the church and prepare yourself.
3. During the Mass Please Show Reverence:Keep your eyes focused on the “Divine Drama” that is, on the Presider, Lector, or Cantor. This is an opportunity to be an example for others.
4. Sign of Peace:The Priest will go to the Tabernacle. The Eucharistic Ministers should proceed to their designated place in the Sanctuary. Since the sign of peace took place while we were in the pews, we should not make the sign of peace with others once we are in the Sanctuary. For those who will administer the Body of Christ, there is a bottle of germx/hand sanitizer. Please sanitize your hands. The Presider will proceed with the “Lamb of God” and we should now be focused on responding to that prayer.
5. Recieving the Eucharist:
6. Distribution of Holy Communion:
7. Purification of the Sacred Vessels:
8. Collection Basket:
9. Set up the Credence Table for the Next Mass:*After the vessels have been washed, Ministers of preparation should set up the Credence Table for the next Mass
10. Gifts for the Next Mass:
Definitions from the Catholic EncyclopediaCREDENCE TABLE: Small side table used to hold the sacred vessels. The term “credence” (or “credenza”) is derived from the Latin word credentia (security). It came to be used in the sense that the servants would taste the food prior to the master to be sure that the food was safe and contained no poison.